Thursday, October 16, 2008

Let's get Spooked.

Let's talk about Halloween. I, for one, absolutely love this holiday. I've always loved dressing up and acting like someone I'm not (not just on Halloween, either)- but that is only part of it. One of my all time favorite flavors is pumpkin. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, roasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin bars, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin candles... yes, yes, yes, yes & yes please. Also, talk about the BEST episodes of most TV shows-- the Halloween specials are almost always killer (No pun intended. The first time I actually wrote "...are always sweet."- which was even worse). Boy Meets World, The Simpsons, Home Improvement, Family Matters, The Fresh Prince and hundreds of other sitcoms all re-run some of their finest "spooky" episodes around Halloween.

I'm tossing around a few different ideas as what to dress up as at my concert on Halloween in PA. In fact, the guys and I may be doing some kind of theme. Working out the details. I promise to share photos.

Do you guys have any great costume ideas? Comment me with either what you're being this year, your best costume ever or the best costume you've ever seen!

Figuring out how to dress at cat like a barnyard owl,


Yin said...

If I didn't already have a concert to go to in Philly on the day you're there, I would totally bring you a giant pumpkin cheesecake to celebrate our mutual adoration of pumpkin flavored things.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever had pumpkin bread? So good!

I'm going as a demented doctor. Original, right?

Molly B. said...

Pumpkin spice latte CUPCAKES!

(I am never going to be able to recreate that recipe.)

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree, the Halloween episodes are always the best! I love the Boy Meets World episode where they're locked in the school with the murderer and Jennifer Love Hewitt, haha.

I wanted to get an awesome penguin costume, but everytime I found one online, it cost around $70. Instead, I got a black hoodie and sewed eyes and a beak onto the hood! It turned out okay, I think:

:D Next year, my friends and I are planning to get Legends of the Hidden Temple shirts and helmets (Blue Barracudas!):

Can't wait to hear about your costume! And sorry this comment is so ridiculously long, haha.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to bake you some pumpkin pie for when you'll be in State College!

Oh, and this year I'm going as Beetlejuice.

See you in a couple weeks!


ZRY said...

Pumpkin is in fact that best flavor ever. I wish it existed everywhere year round, but at the same time it makes fall more exciting.

I'm still planning what my fantastically amazing Halloween costume will be. Making decisions is hard.

Allison said...

I agree with the anonymous person about pumpkin bread, I'm pretty sure that Breadsmith has it year round. I wish more places had pumpkin pie all of the time, calling that seasonal is crap.

But this entire post explains so much about the victory lap.

As for costumes, I thought you made a fantastic pirate, but a band of pirates isn't exactly new.

Anonymous said...

halloween for the win.

last year i was a deviled egg. haha. i wore these two white, oval shaped cushions (front and back) i had made then put on some devil horns and carried around a pitchfork. it ruled. this year i'm going to be mr. owl from the old tootsie roll pop commercials while one of my friends is going to be the little kid that asks "mr. owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?"


Val said...

Do something involving tinfoil. Chipotle is giving out free burritos to foil wearing people that day, if you didn't know.

One year, I dressed up as Scout from to Kill A Mockingbird. Most people just thought I was a ham, though.

aileen said...

Pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, roasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin bars, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin candles...

what! seriously?! I haven't heard of pumpkin pie, ice cream, bars, latte and candles! I'm missing out on so many things! No one really goes trick or treating here either. :(

Anonymous said...

You should dress up as a bumblebee for Halloween. (If you insist on doing a theme with your friends, make them dress up as flowers).

Molly B. said...

Dear anonymous: Dmitri, Charlie and Ryan as flowers would be possibly the best thing ever. I would drive to PA for that.

Anonymous said...

halloween was so much fun when i was younger-- you have motivated me to make it fun again!

should i go as mark rose 2003 or mark rose 2006? the main difference would be the hair length.

mark- can i borrow one of your guitars?

Anonymous said...

I think you should go characters from Rainbow Brite. Charlie and Dmitri would make an awesome Murky and Lurky, am I right, or am I right? And I might know someone who may or may not be showing up Rainbow Brite herself.

Anonymous said...

I think Mark should go as a Ghostbuster. Though an obvious choice for him- who could pull it off better?

Anonymous said...

pumpkin is your favorite you tend to eat pumpkin candles?
and I think the 13 nights of halloween on abcfamily is one of the best things and I was definitely watching the TMNT marathon yesterday.
I can't wait to carve pumpkins just so I can make a crap load of pumpkin seeds.