Saturday, May 24, 2008

Let's Get to the Grillin'

Ah yes, Memorial Day weekend. Last year, I attempted to make a "bullet" blended frozen beverage for all of my friends at a backyard BBQ bash. Allow me to explain. You know those popsicles that are red, white and blue-- most commonly from an ice cream truck or the grocery store? They are often called bullets- probably due to their shape and the association of guns with patriotism in the US of A. Back to my drink... I got three blenders. I made frozen pina coladas in two and strawberry daiquiri in one. I also brought blue food dye to add to the second pina colada, to create one white, one blue and one red beverage. Then I used clear plastic cups, and poured in the frozen drinks in layers, as to re-create the "bullet" popsicle appearance.

Long story short, I failed. The drinks pretty much came out purple. In my mind, this drink was going to work out perfectly. The taste, however, was a success. I believe this drink is actually known as a Miami Vice-- pina colada & daiquiri together. Not a bad combination, especially if you're wearing an open Hawaiian shirt.

I need to come up with something sweet to add to tomorrow's BBQ. I also really wish I had been spending my time brusing up on my 4-square skills, as the last time I played was probably last year's BBQ. How am I suppose to dominate? I'll play hard. That's for sure. In it to win it.

Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend!

Wearing a denim vest,


Anonymous said...

Have a nice memorial day BBQ pimpin!


Jessica said...

Denim vest? Really, Mark?? Haha juuuust kidding. You should make taffy apple salad. Cut up snickers bars & apples into little bits, mixed with a 50/50 cream cheese/cool whip mix. It's yummy stuff. You could always add red and blue food coloring, to stick with your purple theme =P tee hee have fun!

Anonymous said...

you should try and market the bullet popsical drink idea... once you get it right.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the bar I work at has a BombPop/"bullet" shot that amazingly enough tastes just like the real thing...

you put a little shot of grenadine at the bottom, pour a layer of lemonade into the glass and top it off with UV Blue raspberry vodka. If done correctly, the layers will stay seperate for presentation.

Anonymous said...

char-grilled hot dogs are the best kind of hot dog.